I think some film is dead and some film is not dead. With excellent image quality that digital cameras are producing I believe the 135mm format film is dead. It can’t compete. BUT not the 120mm film. I still believe the medium format film can still rival digital cameras and even be better than some of them. Specially if you scan it right.

In my most recent beauty and skin care photoshoot from my tiny home studio in Brooklyn, I did mainly shoot on digital medium format using my PhaseOne camera which I love the skin tones and colors I get out of it for beauty photoshoots, But I also took the time to shoot some photos on the medium format film. The MF film camera I have is a Mamiya RZ67 and I used the Kodak Portra 160 film.

Linus Torvalds creator of Linux used to say “Talk Is Cheap, Show Me The Code” . So in case of me still liking medium format film, here are a couple of the shots from this beauty skin care shoot that is done on Kodak Portra 160 film so I let you judge if film would work for your specific project and needs or not.

Blake Aghili